10 Heartfelt Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Kids’ Teachers

Teachers do so much for our kids and their efforts often go unnoticed. Celebrate your kids’ teacher with these 10 fun ideas.

Write Thank You Notes

thank you card
Image Credit: pixelshot via Canva.com.

Encourage kids to write thank you notes to their teachers, expressing their gratitude for all the hard work they do.

Create a Teacher Appreciation Video

Image Credit: Billion Photos via Canva.com.

Have kids create a short video expressing their appreciation for their teachers. They can share stories, jokes, or anything else that shows how much they care.

Make a Gift Basket

blue gift
Image Credit: voyata via Canva.com.

Have kids put together a gift basket for their teachers, filled with their favorite snacks, school supplies, and other small gifts.

Decorate the Classroom

toddlers with teacher
Image Credit: oksanashufrych via Canva.com.

Help kids decorate their teacher’s classroom with balloons, streamers, and other decorations to make it a special day.

Plan a Surprise Party

baby shower party
Image Credit: Kzenon via Canva.com.

Organize a surprise party for the teacher, complete with balloons, cake, and other treats.

Host a Talent Show

mom and daughter cooking
Image Credit: Billion Photos via Canva.com.

Have kids put on a talent show for their teachers, showcasing their skills in singing, dancing, or other talents.

Play Teacher for a Day

toddler and doll
Image Credit: Jaspe via Canva.com.

Let kids play teacher for a day, giving them the opportunity to teach their class a lesson or two so they can gain better appreciation with their teachers.

Create a Memory Book

Image Credit: inenkiy from Andrew Angelov via Canva.com.

Have kids create a memory book for their teachers, filled with pictures, stories, and other mementos from the school year.

Plan a Field Trip

climbing dome
Image Credit: Monkey Business Images via Canva.com.

Organize a field trip to a local museum, park, or other attraction as a special treat for the teacher and students.

Host a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

portrait of female teacher
Image Credit: pixelshot via Canva.com.

Organize a special luncheon for the teacher and students, complete with homemade food and other treats.

10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Teachers with Your Kids

A little schoolgirl girl in a school uniform holds a book
Image Credit: Lesya18 via Depositphotos.com.

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Photo credit: Deposit Photos.

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Image Credit: AuthorKuzmafoto via Depositphotos.com.

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Family Sofa Time
Image Credit: DGLimages via Depositphotos.com.

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